Champaign County Clerk Of Courts

Welcome to the Champaign County Clerk of Courts Website.
Thank you for visiting the website of the Champaign County Clerk of Courts. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your County Clerk of Courts since December 2008. I greatly appreciate that you have entrusted the duties of this office to my care. As the Clerk of Courts, I pledge to continue working towards advancements in the office, as well as making decisions that best serve the present and the future of Champaign County. I would like to extend an invitation to you to stop by any of the four (4) offices that comprise the Clerk of Courts office: Legal Division, Title Division, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and Driver Exam Station to see our progress.
Champaign County Clerk of Courts to Open Driver Examination Station
Champaign County Clerk of Courts Penny S Underwood today announced a new and very beneficial service to the citizens of Champaign County and surrounding region.
Starting November 7, 2023, the Champaign County Driver Exam Station will officially begin driver examinations for new drivers or anyone needing to take the examination for an expired license. The Champaign County Clerk of Courts in partnership with the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicle and Ohio Department of Public Safety, has put together this opportunity for those needing a driver license to take the passenger car (Class D) road and mobility test at the Champaign County Driver Exam Station. Drivers may take their written test in person at the Champaign County Deputy Registrar’s office.
Potential driver license recipients who have a valid temporary permit can go to the Ohio BMV website – and designate the Champaign County location. Tests will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.
“We are excited to team up with the State BMV to give citizens more locations to take their driver examinations,” stated Clerk of Courts Penny S Underwood. “The Clerk of Courts is always about good customer service and providing opportunities for our citizens to obtain their titles, deputy registrar needs and legal documents. By adding this driver exam location, we can expedite the timeframe for obtaining a driver license in this area.”
The Champaign County Driver Exam Station is located at 1512 S UD Hwy 68, Bay 7, Urbana Ohio 43078. Phone# 937-484-1520
- Champaign County Auditor
- Champaign County Recorder | Ohio Recorders’ Association
- Champaign County Board of Elections
- Champaign County Common Pleas
- Champaign County Commissioners
- Champaign County Municipal Court
- Champaign County Sheriff
- Champaign County Treasurer
- City of Urbana
- Family Court
- Ohio Attorney General
- Ohio Supreme Court
- Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles